개발자가 갖추어야 할 9가지 기술
개발자가 키워야 하는 9가지 스킬은 아래에 있습니다
Hard Skills
- Basic Knowledge (Java, OS, Python 등)
- Mathematics, Physics
- Programming Language (C++, C#, Python)
- Algorithm, Data Structure, Design Patterns
- Graphics, Database, Networking, AI
- OS (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android)
- Tools (Source control, Visual Studio)
- Understanding for product
- Product Analysis
- Three types of restaurants
- Development Cycle
- Requirements & Analysis
- Design & Modeling
- Implementation
- Test / Release
- Feedback / Update
Soft Skills
- Project Management
- Why, What, How
- Triple Constraints
- Cost
- Time
- Scope
- Team Management
- Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing
- Roles around the Team
- Product owner
- Producer, Artists, Designers, Engineers
- Engineering Team Lead (Project lead, Technical lead, People Manager)
- Clear role definition. Proper delegation
- Process (Agile, Zero-Bug)
- Project Management Maturity Model
- i) Initial = Common Language
- ii) Repeatable = Common Process
- iii) Defined = Singular Methodology
- iv) Managed = Benchmarking
- v) Optimized = Continuous Improvement
- Better way to do it, Optimal way
- Project Management Process
- Development Process
- (Development Cycles, Code Review)
- The Joel Test : 12 Steps
- Your Own Evolving Process
Business Skills
- HR System
- Software Engineer
- Productivity
- Professionalism (Reliability)
- Teamwork (Communication)
- Knowledge
- IT
- 해당업종
- Functionality (No Defect)
- Implementation (Good Code)
- Design & Architecture
- Business Management
- Vision / Goals / Culture